I’m a journalist in Amsterdam.
I write Dutch Deadline, a free weekly newsletter providing in-depth analysis of Dutch current affairs in English. Subscribe to find out what’s happening in the Netherlands right now and why it matters.
Speaking at TEDxAmsterdam
Recent Work
A sampling of my recent work in non-fiction, fiction, photography, and film.
Is the rise of Dutch populism the result of forced self-reliance?
A personal essay about how the underfunding social services and has led directly to the rise of populism in the Netherlands.
Read more Dutch Deadline posts here.
A short story about the heartbreak of ignoring your instincts. Published by JMWW.
Read more of my short stories here.
Fairytale Prisoner by Choice: The Photographic Eye of Melania Trump
An art analysis of Melania Trump’s Twitter pics. This essay went extremely viral, read by millions and re-published by newspapers across the world.
What do Mark Rutte’s posts say about him? (Wat vertellen zijn posts over Mark Rutte?)
An example of my weekly Social Spy column in Dutch magazine FD Persoonlijk.
Read my other columns in Dutch here.
My short documentary film about gay square dancing clubs in New York and California, which premiered at the San Francisco International Film Festival.
Watch more of my films here.